Power is something to be wary of.
The catholic pope seems all powerful, seems
head of the Christians. He stands for an establishment with a history of
murder, rape, genocide a thousand years long.
The people allow the church to do it because
they think he is special. He isn't
There are four popes currently preaching at the
Tell are
- The
Pope of The Roman Catholic Church
- The
Pope of the Palmerian Catholic Church (in Spain)
- The
Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of All Africa (Non-Chalcedonian / Coptic
- The
Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of All Africa (Chalcedonian / Greek Orthodox)
... who is formally the 'Ecumenical Patriarch'. The word 'Pope', while
technically correct (see comment by Achilleas Mortsel’s) isn't his primary title.
The pope acts like a queen. Lizzy the lizard
Elizabeth the second of the United Kingdom is one of 26 monarchies
in the world, who rule or reign over 43 countries in all. Have you ever heard
of the other royal families, just like you haven't heard of the popes, but they
still exist?
What is even more interesting they sort of claim
the papacy
The Roman Catholic Church has approximately 1.1
billion followers, current pope is Francis 266 pope
The Greek Orthodox Church is headed by
Patriarch Bartholomew, who seems to prefer the term 'Patriarch' to 'Pope'
despite the fact that he is entitled to the title, which is one of the seniors
of the Diocese/Patriarchy. 270 popes. is the second-largest Christian church, with approximately 200–260 million baptised
Bartholomew I am the 270th pope
The Pope of the
Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria is the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria current holder of this position is Pope
Tawadros II, who was selected as the 118th Pope
12 and 18
million members worldwide, 10 to 14 million of whom are in Egypt.
The Palmarian pope (Pope Peter III) in 2016. He is the fourth
pope. They have 2000 people, they stated in 1978
The pope is God's
representative on earth, but how can god put for people at the present and up
to 5. Because they are not the representative of god, they are man's invention.
Let's have a look why they think they are god's
IS THE POPE FOR REAL, what is the history
What is a pope. The first pope was Peter who
was part of Jesus a team, consisting of 12 men called apostles. He knew Jesus.
All popes come from sat peter.
The church has manufactured this insane idea,
that all successor popes are part of Jesus a team through lineage to peter, defacto,
every pope, takes the place of peter as an apostle, hence becoming technically
himself an apostle of Jesus. An apostle is one of Jesus inner circles and there
are only 12 seats the pope today is an apostle of Jesus never
said this, this man made.
This gives weight to papal infallibility for rare occasions when the pope speaks ex cathedra—literally "from the chair (of Saint Peter)"—to issue a formal definition of faith or morals.
in the early Christian era, Rome and a few
other cities had claims on the leadership of the worldwide Church. In all those
cities, Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem, Alexandria, was a bishop or
patriarch. The pope was not called the pope early on but the bishop of Rome.
The bishop of Alexandria is the head of the Greek
orthodox and eastern church. That church is built upon, mark the gospel writer
and their lineage goes back to him
So, the catholic churches lineage goes to peter
and the orthodox go back to mark
If peter was appointed to lead then the Catholics
are correct. If peter was not appointed to lead then the pope at present is not
the real pope.
Up to the time of the First Council of Constantinople (381) the Patriarch of Alexandria ranked next
to the Bishop of Rome. By the third canon of this council,
afterwards confirmed by the twenty-eighth canon of the Council of Chalcedon (451), the Patriarch of Constantinople, supported by imperial authority and by a
variety of concurring advantages, was given the right of precedency over the
Patriarch of Alexandria. But neither Rome nor Alexandria recognized the claim
until many years later.
Many deny that Peter and the popes had
universally-recognized supreme authority over all the early churches. Instead
they came to the idea that the Bishop of Rome was, and is,
"first among equals" as stated by the Patriarch of the Orthodox
Church, who is also the bishop of Alexandria, in the 2nd century A.D, and again
in the 21st century. First among equals does not mean total control over the
church nor representative of god, it seems to be something on the lines of
leadership, not divine favouritism.
The bishop of Alexandria known as the
orthodox church in 1054. separated from the catholic church for hearsay. 1054
The pope is the bishop of Rome, but he was not
always called the pope. it was the bishop of Alexandria in the orthodox church
whom was called Pope.
There is a letter from the bishop of Rome, who
later becomes what we now understand to be the pope, calling the bishop of
Alexandria calling
The first record in the history of the term
"pope" is assigned to Pope Heracles of Alexandria in a letter written by the bishop of Rome, Dionysius, to Philemon:
chica translits insto:
I received this rule and
ordinance from our blessed pope, Heracles
This I all very well
This is all very well, but what authority gives
the pop his status.
If peter is head of the church then we need to
find evidence
Speaking of Jesus Christ before the people,
Peter said:
Acts 4:11-12 ...'This is the stone which
was set at nought of you builders, which has become the head of the
corner. Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other
name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.'
There is no reference of the church being built
on Pete clearly points to Christ Jesus as the "stone" or
"rock" that the church is to be built on, with Jesus being the HEAD
of it
He clearly states that NO OTHER NAME
HAS BEEN GIVEN AMONGST MEN whereby we can be saved.
This means it is only through Jesus can you be
saved not through the church or the pope. It is a fallacy and heresy to say
through the church man can be saved.
The church says Jesus gave Peter the headship
but peter disagrees with them
1 Peter 5:1-4 ...'The elders which are among
you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of
Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed the flock
of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but
willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being
lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. And when the
chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that faded
not away.'
Peter thought himself to be just an
"elder" amongst the other elders of the church. Nothing more! And he
confirms Christ to be the "chief Shepherd" and only Leader of
the Christian church.
No one is to act as a "lord"
over God's heritage, i.e., no one is to exercise any kind of dominion over
the church.
Peter does not Condon the pope.
The Catholics claim because they are the rock,
they have authority. The apostle Paul did not refer to Peter as a leader
He did say
1 Corinthians 10:1-4 ...'Moreover, brethren, I
would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the
cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the
cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all
drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock
that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.'
Paul is clearly pointing to Christ Jesus as
that "Petra" (Rock).
the Old Testament is awash with verses
describing our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as a "Rock". See
Deuteronomy 32:4; 1 Samuel 2:2; Psalms 18:2; Psalms 28:1.
Paul also states in 1 Corinthians 3:11 that "no
other foundation can be laid other than the one already laid which is Christ
On an interdimensional perspective, the church
can be built upon Christ because apparently, he is pure. There is no human
which is pure, therefore any building built on a human such as the pope will
have faulty foundation, the fault being sin.
In Galatians 2 we find Paul confirming that he
was the apostle to take the gospel to the Gentile world, while Peter was the
apostle charged with taking the gospel to the Jews. And Paul states in verse 9
that it was James, Cephas (Peter) and John who ALL "SEEMED"
to be pillars of the church. Making no distinction between them whatsoever.
What about the great church meeting in Acts 15?
Did Peter stand out as the leader in this great meeting? No, Peter did speak,
but if you read the whole of that meeting, you will see that in fact James
seemed to be the presiding elder, as he was the one who gave the final
decision on the question of circumcision (see Acts 15:19).
The Church is Built With "Stones"
1 Peter 2:5-8 ...'Ye also, as lively stones,
are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual
sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Wherefore also it is contained in
the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect,
precious: and he that believeth in him shall not be confounded. Unto you
therefore which believe he is precious?: but unto them which be disobedient,
the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of
the corner, And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even
to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were
All who believe in Jesus Christ and accept that
He is the Son of the Living God, become "lively stones",
just like Peter did in Matthew 16. We all become "Petros" (stones)
and are built up into a spiritual house. A house that is built upon the
"ROCK" which is Christ Jesus, the ONLY sure foundation for the
This means we are all popes or there are no
The church comes from the higher spiritual
dimensions as Jesus and god does. All spiritual gifts, and honourable traits in
man come from higher dimensions.
Man is in the third dimension which is
susceptible to what you might call evil. Physical matter is dead light, it is
heavy, that is why attachment to it is unspiritual, because it stops you
looking at spiritual things that increase your consciousness.
There can only be ONE head of the body (church)
and that is Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:18)
There is nothing written about a representative
in Jesus name, ever.
Unbroken Line of Popes?
Another teaching the Roman Catholic Church puts
forward is the teaching that there has been an unbroken line of Popes since
Peter. But there is a problem with this teaching also. First, no Christians for
FOUR CENTURIES after the time of Christ believed that Peter was the leader of
the church. This teaching wasn't accepted until around A.D.445 during the reign
of Pope Leo I. It was only during this time that the Catholic Church needed to
find some Biblical support for Papal supremacy.
The other problem with this teaching of an
unbroken line is that in A.D.1045, Pope Benedict IX was running out of office
because of his unworthiness, with Silvester III taking his place. When Benedict
IX returned, he sold the Papal throne to Gregory VI, but still refused to give
up his own claim to the throne. So, at this time, all three men claimed to be
the legitimate Pope! Then in 1046, the German Emperor Henry III settled it by
deposing all three Popes and appointing a fourth, Clement II.
So, history hardly supports this "unbroken
line" of Popes.
Where does the pope come from?
Two people Simon magus and apostle peter
Simon magus full name, Simon peter magus,
occult practitioner and formidable magician. As stated in the bible he “used
sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, He wanted the powers of apostle,
he tried to buy it and was rebuked by peter…they said no
When Jesus died, Peter, whom the catholic claim
was the first bishop of Rome went to the Jewish people, was put in charge of
uncircumcised, the Jews people, not the whole world. it was decided that Paul
would go to Rome for the gentiles, were Simon peter magus also went.
The catholic claim Peter went to Rome, the
bible explicitly denies this.
Simon peter magus disliked by the apostles
became a famous in Rome from his magic, he was buried the most sacred of roman
pagan cemeteries and the Roman government, people and emperor declared
him a god and had a statue in his name erected. (the holy god Simon (
They say that peter the apostle was buried in Rome,
because Peter was a Jew, he would not be buried in a pagan commentary, and the cemetery
in question was reserved for prophets, soothsayers and the great ones of
pagan Rome. not one that attacked the
Roman religion
Simon peter magus blended paganism and hritinaity together, he had a huge following, where he set up his own church.
If peter had been assigned the first pope then
the bile would say.
Simon Magus, the leader of the Pagan
Church at that time fits perfectly as being the one who brought Paganism and Christianity
together, which resulted in the Roman Catholic Church.
Near 45 A.D., we find Peter being cast into
prison at Jerusalem (Acts 12:3, 4). In 49 A.D., he was still in Jerusalem, this
time attending the Jerusalem Council. About 51 A.D., he was in Antioch of Syria
where he got into differences with Paul because he wouldn’t sit or eat with
Gentiles. Strange that the "Roman bishop" would have nothing to
do with Gentiles in 51 A.D.! Later in
about 66 A.D., we find him in the city of Babylon among the Jews (I Pet. 5:13
The Apostle Paul distinctly informs us that
Peter was not in Rome in 65 A.D. -- even though Catholics say he was. Paul salid: "OlĂ Luke es watt me" (II Tim. 4:11).
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