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Teacher Student Relationship RE Guru, Shaman etc

It is harmful for the student’s and teachers relationship if knowledge is not transferred to the student.
A teacher deciding to seriously  take on a student, would want   ultimately to see the student worthiness   for serious study. Energy is guarded, wasteful energy from teaching as opposed to teaching from enjoyment I.e  seeing the student progress is not in the interests of the teacher. 

It is now fashionable to have gurus, many guru searching people  are not that interested in real spirituality, they enjoy having a photo of the guru on the mantelpiece, perhaps to keep him warm and cosy over the fire. 

In modern spiritual traditions the guru has been appointed demigod, such as in shamanism. Shamans are guides not gurus, it is the plant which is the teacher. When a shaman takes over the role as teacher he debases basses the plant. The shaman is not the spokesman for the plant. He can help you to understand the plant and explain it.  
Founder of the hare Krishna said There is only one guru, who appears in an infinity of forms to teach you, me and all others.
This means guru is not a person, a person can not say they own guruship, they act on behalf of something bigger than themselves. 

It is good the student and teacher have some sort of affection for each other
 or the student  Ingratiates the teacher, so the teacher wishes to teach. In my view the best teaching comes spontaneity usually  in informal settings, little gems of insight naturally spoken, like in a kitchen or while walking.

 When teaching is done to crowds, and some teachers they do  like crowds because quantity expands the ego
There is a different feelings. Its impersonal. The close relationship is not there. Teaching to crowds is not the same as teaching to small groups.
The best teaching I have seen, has laughter, jokes, banter, that doesn't happen to large crowds.
You TRY to cater your teaching to everyone in   Large groups BUT The teaching is generalized. 
If you have something specific to ask, it can be hard to get it answered, teaching changes depending on the individual, the answer you wish to elicit, may not be appropriate for large groups, especially concerning mystical knowledge. 
Sometimes the teacher will only give certain types of information if someone asks. Concerning plant medicine, because the knowledge can be mystical, is it wrong to speak about something opening.


Affection springs from goodwill. 
I see students   exhibiting cultist and  fanatic behavior, this is not the same as goodwill. Cultish behavior for me is wrong because it can damage the student and the teacher-.

Goodwill is not subservience, and subservience is not humility. Seeking approval from a teacher by giving away your control and power  is disrespectful to yourself. You open yourself up to being taken advantage of

 Teachers are not gods, it's the people turn the teachers into demigods by empowering them,

Empowering someone is giving them power,  they then develop an artificial aura. You can feel it. 
They learn that they can behave in a certain way, to create a bigger aura.
And what does this aura do, it makes money, companies see, a person with a big aura attracts people, though the attraction they can get revenue  

Celebrities make people faint, they are not godly

Auras can be artificial. The aura people think of as a holy aura, which is emitted when someone has a connection to the high consciousness worlds, or they are  compassionate.

The artificial aura can overwhelm people with its magnetism, .

For this reason logic is needed to dismantle experiences that emotionally overcome you.. 

Logic must always be used in spirituality, teachers that don't teach this have agendas. 

In regard to the student and teacher
Good will leads to affection in turn leading to teaching. 
Different teachers have different ways of teaching, and not all teachers may teach you everything. 
Students need a variety otherwise there is a bad tendency to  uniformise,you need different perspectives so that one perspective does not become law.
Variety is key to understanding

The progrsseive student must be spontaneous. Learning has a flow like a river, a river is never straight
If you study text make sure you understand the intention, not just the words. The cup holds water, the rules hold spirituality, when you confuse the cup for water and the liturgy for spirituality, you are misled spirituality.
Liturgy are rules that hold belief. 
Do not be stuck with rules, rules are guides not absolutes, a balance needs to be made because no rules is just as bad.

When you go on your path, do not get stuck in it. Spirituality is full of traps, being in a good path still has traps. You can get arrogant, ego, women, money. 

Your  path should be challenged.
If the path is not cooling  but comfortable the student should destroy that path to find another
The student should have an inquiring mind. Even the ideas, concepts the path offers, the dogma, the teaching of the leader and guides should be probed. 
You enter the path with a thesis, that is your beginning proposition. Ayahuasca is x, the bible is x . Then you doubt what it was you first thought.
Is this really the answer, do the plants really have a consciousness, am I crazy this is called antithesis, 
Then you resolve the antithesis with a synthesis
The synthesis is your conclusion to the doubt

In ayahuasca,. Constantly the world is being shown as an illusion, everything is questioned and doubted, broken down, for you to build back up again, based on your experience, your knowledge, your understanding, then the knowledge becomes yours proper. It no longer is hearsay, belief, or liturgy. It can become real dogma.

These paths that you walk down, that started from the beginning, the first step was your foot, not someone else's, you climb a mountain. As you get higher the air gets thinner, but you must carry on. 
With knowledge, as you advance, it has less logic. You trust this less logic, because you built the foundation on which you have come  to recipe this understanding. This is your personal faith based on experience.
The issue in belief based on no logic, happens when you take on the faith and beliefs of others or other systems, and make it your own, believing it is true. You assume truth instead of knowing it, when you know the truth you come from a position of strength
The fanatics are impostors. They exhibit such fervent certainty they are believable. People that have walked the path know that you can not have certainty, because the world we live in is a matrix, and the matrix works in symbolism, which is for interpretation not for fact. 

You Need perseverance on the path. 


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