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Christianity says shamanism is devil's play

Christianity says shamanism is devil's play.
Christianity founded on shamanism...gnostic

Christians need to understand the foundations of their religion is shamanistic, the mass is shamanic, the priest is a toned down shaman, stripped of vested power, he even wears  shamanistic regalia.

If their religion is built on shamanism then the religion is based on the devil.

The religious spend too much time in a book and not enough time looking amongst which books it is shelved with. The content is less interesting than from where the content came from. The cults obfuscate the sheep's eyes, rubbing sandpaper on the glass lenses, until no detail can be seen except dim light, that is intern praised.

Real Christians are very fast to criticise spiritual practices outside of their religion. Words like occult magic themselves up.  What really upsets them, is there might be access to god outside of their ideology, a better more direct access…... and there is, shamanism can provide it. Unlike religion which gives a fit for all ideology serving  the masses, shamanism is not for everyone, nor is there any wrong in that, contrary to millennial fairness fascim.

They say the earth is bad, the devil lives inside it. They say to be naked it bad, that's why they gave clothes to the natives, graffitied masters paintings with fig leaves.

Where does food come from, the ground, where does the water come from, the ground, where does oxygen come from, plants, which are in the ground. Our bodies are made from the substance of the ground, a place which also provides hell it's buildings.

Why would chritianity say this?
Christianity is a program like all other religions, which program the mind, therefore it is mind control.

Mind control does not work obviously, it works on hidden, deep and subtle levels.

Believing and following religion turns you against yourself and nature subtlety, after all how can you respect yourself if your made from the devil's walls.

You are nature, you eat nature, your life depends on nature, yet on a very occult level your are taught nature is bad. Christians rule the world, with that comes no responsibility to stop destroying nature, the rivers are dead, the ground is Ill, the animals have lost their homes, Christians don't care, the geneserian god gave them the world, because to them the world is an object not a life form, a life with their glazed sanded lenses they can not see. Ecochristianity, you say, is that what the shamans and pagans knew an ice age, icerage, before.

This ideology causes confusion at a subconscious level, how can your life depend on something which is bad, does your life then become an expression of bad. Natural incontrolable  urges for sex are taught as bad, something to be supressed, only to leak out from a well sealed vow in perversion. Results of this followed thinking, the wiring in your brain is cross wired. When you wane in belief, religion requires more faith, sand those lenses a little more, more faith requires less logic, less thinking, less detail.
Man was made in god's images, like him we therefore posses a mind with all its qualities, if god uses his mind why we can not use ours.

Logic and mind are tools  that accompany spirituality , to temper, warn, council and reflect on it, the goal, to expand consciousness. If spiritually were an artistic idea , tools like pencils would  release the idea on paper to ascertain the idea's validity qualified from the coherency of the image, if the idea is cloudy , so then is the picture. The pencil then has a secondary  job, that job is to aid the idea define itself, through the work of the pencil which investigate the internal mind through probing questions, self discovery leads to the idea defining it's self.  The pencil is the mind.

That is self reflection and self knowledge.

God gave us a mind to think, why when our thinking contradicts a mainstream faith we suddenly need to abandon it. And sometimes we do it willingly, because having someone think for us makes life easy.

Religions depend on humans giving up faculties that stop mind programming. Religion is in the game of indoctrination, how can so many people have absolute faith believing in contrary ideas because of geography and birth.

You are asked to believe in faulty logic and ridiculous stories, like Jesus ascended into a cloud. The irony is …….levitation may be real but heaven does not exist in a cloud.

The structure of the story states, Jesus went into another dimension, I have no problem with this, going into another dimension requires opening a portal, why do you need to go into a cloud to open a portal unless the cloud's actual job was hiding some space ship.

You don't drift up to heaven unless you want to  put on a show or your autobiographer wants to emphasise powers you have for ambiguous reasons. Spiritual powers do not provide a measuring stick  to consciousness, those that have spiritual powers guard them occultly, hence the essence of the word.

Many Saints don't have power, many demons do have power.

One of the strongest sources of power comes from nature and the shaman is the pyschopomp.  Is it not strange how nature and shaman are depicted as bad by religion, in its ignorance, Christians make no diferation between occult and shamanism, I will, one comes from books, the other from celebration with nature, and yes bad shamans exists, and so the popes murdered and stole.

Saying that there is a celestial realm more important than nature, is like saying your ideals are more important than the world we live in. The spiritual process is entwined in the physical realities, for struggle makes strong.


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