- Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is the bishop of Rome.
- Pope of Alexandria is the original pope
The pope of Rome, AKA The Pope, before he was a pope, wrote to the bishop of Alexandria referring to him as, the pope.
Due to disagreements, the Coptics in
Alexandria separated from the Church of Rome in 451, their leader is referred to as the pope.
Due to disagreement in 1054, The
Greek Orthodox split from the Roman Catholic Church, their leader is referred
to as the pope.
The Roman Catholics say their popes
comes from St Peter, the Coptic and Greek orthodox say their popes comes from St
Mark. The Coptic Church was formed in 42 ADS by St Mark.
The Catholic pope has the title,
first among equals,
agreed by the Greek Orthodox. The Roman Catholic interpretation of this title means supremacy over all Christian bishops, including the Coptic and the Greek Orthodox, the Greek Orthodox and many others do not agree with this interpretation, thus the separation in 1054.
Why do the Catholics think they have the true pope, represent Jesus and hold authority?
Because of a passage in the Bible.
Matthew 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
The catholic interpretation is that
Peter is the rock for the church to be built on.
The Catholics then decided that the
pope was a substitute for the apostle Peter, that the pope would hold his
chair or throne on earth in his absence until the second coming, this the gave the pope authority in the physical world leading to papal infallibility,
meaning the pope's words have not error, like gods words have no error. you can see the link that the are getting at.
Many people do not hold this
interpretation of the Peter being the rock, they believe the rock was not referring to Peter, it was referring
to Jesus. The rock was used in the old testament to refer to god, not people.
Obviously The church needs to be built on firm
foundations, humans are impure, if they were the foundation of the church, then
the foundations would be bad, the only strong foundation would be Jesus.
Peter went to the land of Jews, the opposite
direction to Paul who went to the western world and Rome. Paul never mentions Peter
when he was imprisoned, in his letters, which he obviously would, considering it quite rude and strange that peter would not visit him in prison, if he was in Rome, and strange Peter was doing nothing and therefore not worth a mention, considering the two were apostles and more that just friends.
Dates and geography clearly point to Peter being in a completely different location as to what is purported by the Catholics, that he was in Rome. .
Simon Peter Magus
There is a theory Simon Peter Magus
the sorcerer, who went to Rome at the same time as Paul, was deified and set up a church blending paganism
and Christianity together. Is it likely him the Catholics base their pope on. If
this is true, then the foundations of the Church are nestled on sorcery, which
might explain the terrible acts of murder, rape and genocide the Catholic Church
has participated in.
The church did not have a pope for
hundreds of years after Jesus, if there was supposed to be a lineage of popes appointed by Peter, it
would have happened, it did not happen because there was never supposed to be a pope. The reason the pope was created was for power and control.
The entire authority of the Catholic Church is founded on a blatant misinterpretation of the bible, purposefully done, and their mission to indoctrinate people, to take control of their perception of the world.
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