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Almond blossom Van Gogh , the painting that sealed his death

Almond blossom Van Gogh

There is a tree called Tahina spectabilis

that should be renamed Van Gogh, because at the end of its life, it flowers and then dies.

The tree is a conceptual artist, The last thing it does, is use all its energy to grow a Christmas like tree out of its head in surrealist fashion , laden with nectar for birds and bees, so its genetics can be passed on,

This last burst of energy uses up all the remaining energy of the tree casing its death after some months

Van Gogh when his brother Theo had a son, new his time was up. The money that Theo was sending him would be used for his son, there was not enough money.

This picture shows the heart of van Gogh, how he approaches death, he would flower spiritually. He painted this picture for his new nephew, a picture of hope and renewal.

The nephew was named after Vincent, as if somehow Vincent's genes were going to be passed on, this nephew seeded Vincent's pictures in the public consciousness, setting up a museum, so Vincent would never die, and his pictures could birth the imagination of artists,people, the world and generations.

This is his story

In the letter announcing the new arrival, Theo wrote to Vincent: ‘As we told you, we’ll name him after you, and I’m making the wish that he may be as determined and as courageous as you.’

In spring 1889, Theo had married Jo Bonger, and in February 1890 she gave birth to their son, whom they named Vincent after the boy's godfather. Vincent was working on the painting in February 10. Due to a fresh onset of illness during his work on "Almond Blossoms" in February 1890, the artist was unable to go out and paint the other flowering trees that spring, telling his brother Theo in a letter, "Really, I have no luck." The Blossoming Almond Tree was van Gogh's present to the infant that would perpetuate his name.

4 months later On 29 July Vincent died. 6 months later his Theo van Gogh died at age 33 at the Medical

Institution for the Insane in Utrecht,
Sheon contends the artist committed suicide because Theo was dying of syphilis and would no longer be able to support him psychologically and financially.

Sheon said Van Gogh and his brother had a 'deep symbiotic relationship.' He said the artist was growing increasingly depressed over his deteriorating relationship with Theo, who was having job troubles at the time. The depression might have been deepened by the fact that Theo's infant son was also ill at the time

Unsurprisingly, it was this work that remained closest to the hearts of the Van Gogh family. Vincent Willem went on to found the Van Gogh Museum.

This picture was not his last picture, but it was the first of his last pictures.

Money problems for van gogh meant no painting, which he lived for, literally, his doctor telling him to focus all energy in it and it seemed for a while to help his health.

At that time suicide was regarded as sinful, which is why the church in Auvers refused to allow its hearse to be used to carry Van Gogh’s body up the hill to the cemetery


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