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University Bubble and Mickey Mouse Porn

Who is it that thinks sex is for babies. The same people that think university is for careers.

University is an academic widget on the blogspot of Great Britain. It is not for everyone, except those that want a little more tertiary play in the internet of life.

Peter Mandelson and Cardinal Newman are both on the same side of the bed here and agree on many things like not to have sex with women, which is why I have joined them in prose matrimony.

Pete said a speech to Birkbeck College “I do not believe that the function of a university is limited to, or even primarily about, economic outcomes.
They are not factories for producing workers… Knowledge is an end in itself.”
and Newman says many many years ago before my granny was born
"any kind of knowledge, if it be really such, is its own reward."

I love it because he goes on to say
without a university education, people "simply do not know what they are talking about...such persons have no difficulty in contradicting themselves."

I love this man, if only he wasn’t religious maybe there could have been something between us….but then again, does religion stop the plethora of sexual urges or harvest a deep repression that sublimates into perversion..

I totally agree with him, it is just, I know a lot of people with university degrees that talk about bags of bollocks. I mean, I find nearly everyone talks shit, especially me, and there is a fine art to talking shit which I will write a discourse on later concerning a conversation I heard in Seville over the price of butter in Gibraltar. The importance of talking shit is your eloquence of oration. Like taking a comedian who can make you laugh reading a phone book.

If 40 percent of people have a degree that means I have cart blanch with 60 pc of the population to tell them they don’t know what they are talking about. And not listen. But I know he is wrong, because my mother and grandmother both don’t have decrees and they tell me they know what they are talking about.

Newman then wrote
 In Discourse 5, university education is where "a habit of mind is formed which lasts through life."

Yes, that you will get yourself a job and be pissed when ever you can. And this is the problem, your habit of mind will be, to spend a lifetimes saving getting this paper, and  will be humiliated for the rest of my life selling Bovril to wealthy tradesmen, who miss the ends off their words, and take vulgar holidays in places whose very names make middle class mothers throw up their strawberry topped scones.

And that lie is …….drum roll. I was promised if I went to uni I would get a career, that would pay of the debt and get me a house with expendable income.

DANGER DANGER. The student is mad with anger.

But lets go into the darkened emotion cavities he may suffer, our friend the Bovril seller.

It’s been a while since he has had sex, unable due to living with his parents. He is becoming bored with the porn selection and can hardly keep the collection safe from middle class eyes, that would convulse over his hard core black on white literature.

The trades man comes into the shop, dressed with ripped jeans, that feel comfortable compared to the nylon uniform he has to wear, scratching at his groin, something that fungal cream could not cure. The trades man is John

Awight mate a can ov Bovrille.
Yes Sir
And some fanny pads
Fanny pads, dem fings women wear when their on the blob.
Dem fings, tampax. I aint getting no sex dis week, it’s ok cause I got anover piece lined up. I’m taking er t Benidorm.

This is what the government does not get, Bovril seller has in this little conversation built up a massive complex

  1. 1. He doesn't have a girl, because his purse is empty
  2. 2 He holds a degree of no purpose to his job
  3. 3 He doesn’t have enough money for a holiday but this man who cant speak does and goes to where his mother thinks the speaking devil lives
  4. 4. John  cheats and is greedily eating two women.
  5. 5. John does have a job in spite of no degree
  6. 6. he looks like a fanny in a uniform.
  7. 7. He spent his childhood away from rave clubs and throwing up on curbs at 4am in order to achieve test marks for university, to which John did all the former nay the later and is in a better position. That being doggy.

Can I make the situation any more clearer.

40% are in University. The government wants50%. Government thinks 80% of jobs in 2010 (Last year) will need degrees.  (Times Online) Trusting government is like trusting a drug addict with your wallet on the eve cold turkey sets in.

So why are kids going to Uni.

 Peter Green

….. says that often when he interviews graduates for jobs and asks them why they did a certain degree they can’t give a definitive answer and say that they went to university because they thought that was what they were supposed to do

  Who told them to go. Yes the drug addict.

 Mickey Mogrees

Due to my love for animals and hatred for name calling, I have always loved Mickey Mouse, actually preferring mighty mouse, I don’t understand why his name is synonymous with bad education. Never the less, if a banana republic sells bananas obviously Mickey being in cartoon the projected fantasy of his creator, must mean Mickey Mouse degrees are fantastical.

Where is Mickey mouse hiding. I’ll show you

BA degrees.

  1. Hairdressing-salon management — University of Derby
  2. Fashion-and-lifestyle products — Southampton Solent University
  3. Watersports science and development — University of Portsmouth
  4. Sports-surfaces management — Glyndwr University
  5. Contemporary circus and physical performance — Bath Spa University
  6. Equestrian psychology — Glyndwr University
  7. Cruise management — University of Plymouth
  8. Surf science and technology — University of Plymouth
  9. Pop-music performance — University of East London
  10. Sexual-health studies — University of Central Lancashire 

I have translated them for you bellow

  1. Watersports science and development is managing the trajectory of urine on another person.
  2. Sports-surfaces management is knowing how a tennis balls perform on different turf
  3. Contemporary circus and physical performance that is for the politician
  4. Equestrian psychology, ugly people that have problems looking like a horse
  5. Cruise management, gays on sidewalks
  6. Sexual-health studies, That god made a vagina for penises to keep warm in on cold days.

The Education Bubble.

When you sees bubbles and hear a pop, you want to be next to champagne, not houses, or dot com.

Lots of bubbly education is frothing to the bottle top about to pop into reality. The Morons were told to buy Nike, and the middle class, confused houses for degrees. Hold on here, I am on to something.

Owning a house thus creating a debt is seen as an investment for the future as the capital will increase. Taking a degree thus taking debt should pay off in qualifying for a job which pay is sufficient for the debt to be seen as an investment, like a house.

The UK housing market has sunk where your house is worth less than your mortgage, and likewise with a degree, you debt is more than can be paid from a salary.
Both are bubbles

Better put in Mr Thiel's argument
Like the housing bubble, the education bubble is about security and insurance against the future. Both whisper a seductive promise into the ears of worried Americans: Do this and you will be safe. The excesses of both were always excused by a core national belief that no matter what happens in the world, these were the best investments you could make. Housing prices would always go up, and you will always make more money if you are college educated.


The Mickey Mogrees are pissed off.
 Student uprising is on the increase.
Students in Mexico, Chilli, Syria, Israel, Egypt, France and the UK.

Much has been made of the role that the young, uneducated, and unemployed played in the revolts, but media reports indicate that the well-educated middle class were the main actors in the revolutions
The ancient Romans understood that an idle standing army too often turned on its leaders, and so kept their legions busy fighting makework wars or building massive construction projects.

The middle class by default un-idle, are not fulfilling there potential, will make a noise.

If there is a collapse in England, this idle army will be a young middle class, with nothing to lose but a debt. Unlike the Roman army, they don’t need leaders to manipulate their attention, because the student are educated enough to think.


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