Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is the bishop of Rome. Pope of Alexandria is the original pope In early Christianity there were five bishops or patriarchs in Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch, these people created the Christian community. The pope of Rome, AKA The Pope, before he was a pope, wrote to the bishop of Alexandria referring to him as, the pope. Due to disagreements, the Coptics in Alexandria separated from the Church of Rome in 451, their leader is referred to as the pope. Due to disagreement in 1054, The Greek Orthodox split from the Roman Catholic Church, their leader is referred to as the pope. The Roman Catholics say their popes comes from St Peter, the Coptic and Greek orthodox say their popes comes from St Mark. The Coptic Church was formed in 42 ADS by St Mark. The Catholic pope has the title, first among equals, agreed by the Greek Orthodox. The Roman Catholic interpretation of this titl...
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