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Smelling Ant Pit

I love ants. In some way they are like Philipinos, I don’t understand their language but a lot of the seem to get a tiny job done.

Apparently it is done on hormones or pheromones. I believe this is done through sweat and cant imagine what it feels like as an ant to have to smell someone else’s sweat to convey a message.

I can see an ant in a pub holding his little ant arm up for his mate to smell it to ask what time it is. In return the other ant lifts his little ant pit and says,
Why did you make me smell your dirty little fucking pit when you could have just pointed.

I suppose to be an ant is not the best thing to be if you are a social being because forever you will have to smell ant pit. The ants of course in a job interview would surely express his ability to smell ant pit very well to get along with co workers as a team player..

And when a female ant says her boy friend is a good listener what she means is he has no sense of smell because, otherwise how could he spend so much time with his nose sniffing her little pit. This does make me wonder if an ant talked shit, what smell would that be.


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