Conceptual art a load of dogs wallop
Conceptual poo, I mean art is not art. It is a metaphorical mirror to show us what a stupid world we have not come to create but allowed ourselves to believe in.
Just like banking, where fiscal currency holds absolutely no weight or worth unless the individual and those around him can fool themselves into thinking that what paper is held is the equivalent of or backed up by gold, or something of worth, the media savvy have managed to create an illusion in art.
In other words paper money is an idea, it is a promise for something in return, like gold.
This is exactly the same thing as conceptual art. When you buy conceptual art, you buy an idea. When you buy a piece of blue tack on a wall, or a shark in an oversized fish bowl, anyone can re create that piece. But you are not buying the piece you are buying the idea.
Of course you can recreate a masterpiece painting, but you need to be a master to do that.
When you buy a good painting like a Cezanne, you are buying both an idea and a canvas which captures and expresses in real physical terms threw the talent and skill of the artist his articulation.
Buying a Cezanne is like buying Gold. It is in your hand, it is real and it is worth something.
Reductio ad absurdum, “what happens if you need to make a paper plane to write a secret message to save the world, then a bank note would be more valuable”
I cant be bothered, you get the gist. If not change your dipper.
The reason conceptual art is resident in our lives is because of the stupid art colleges and stupid teaches that run them.
They are the product of their generation and wilfully cut themselves off from any true expression when they dismissed skill in trade as redundant, which happened to be the very mode that transported expression.
When a loser teacher comes to you and starts telling you not do something, he is going completely against what lineage he in debts himself to. When Duchamp created the urinal, he was going against the system. When these loser teachers are the system, they become the very thing Duchamp was reacting against, the conservative Ecole Beaux Art.
Because conceptual art is not the rebellion, the rebellion is doing something against the system, it just so happened Duchamp created conceptual art to facilitate his idea and publicising the conservative, unmoving standard in his time, when the system reacted to him. He teased them out of their arrogant, high hauteur pedestal, so that they could been seen to be nothing more that conservative, mainstream and the self imposed authority on art.
A person in art school who copies a masters work is marked down, because photography can do that for you.
Well a car can get you to the shops but it does not mean you cant walk. In fact what they are trying to do is cripple you, so you do can be in the same self loathing box of inadequacy called, I don’t have a skill or a talent.
The more fucked up you can be, is also seen as a real personnel must. These cult brainwashing teachers are the same disturbed people, gay acting teachers are when they try to make heterosexuals kiss each other to over come peoples phobias, when their secret covert mission is to self appease their own disliking to their homosexuality, controlling other people through psychological torture.
You are asked to get out your complete dirty washing, and those of your parents, so art is and becomes no more than an oratory platform for open public personal psychological journeying, exaggerating the importance of the individual through his boringness.
The artist is and becomes more important than the work. Almost to the point where the artist is the work, and what he produces is merely a signature lemmings can dribble over and hang up in their gay house (because gays have more expendable income and generally are more interested in culture having more time to pursue these activities rather than wipe shit up off the floor. Not only that, they don’t spend their own time boring the shit out of parties, relaying like a twitter account what their child has done, and how special he is. I like it when middle class bourgeoisie talk about their special children because for me the word is synonymous with morons. And before the political correct police get on by back a moron is someone with an IQ less than 70, so in correct and matter of fact English, apart from my grammar and concord errors, I am right) or middle class peasants, who enjoy wearing emperors cloths can hang up in their new open planned London pussy pad, all the little trinkets of fashion, like fashion books with nipples sticking out of clothes layered on their glass coffee table with architecture books, which is an excuse for soft porn, just as art was used for when it painted naked pictures of women to masturbate over. Except this time the masturbation is not about the god seed, it is far worse, it is mental masturbation, which they not only drip on the floor, ( a terrible deed according to the bible, ) they flagrantly wave it all around the room and spermatise everyones nose by honking it up there with the metaphorical dick that grows out of their head.
There is nothing worse listening to a young person trying to be an artist. Essentially an artist is like a priest, except artist don’t bugger children, usually. They are a bridge. The Latin word pontifix used for priest is bridge. There for they are there to communicate something. But what does a 20 year old have to communicate usually.
Well there are two type of knowledge, A priori and an prioriori. This means knowledge from god and knowledge from experience. However we could adjust god to perhaps the Fertile loam that Lorca talks about in his poetry on Duende. A place that can be accessed by anyone outside the subjective ideas, concept and values attached to time we live in.
This is to say that in rare instances yes it is possible for spotty people to make works of genius, Like Rossetti and his opera. However in painting this is hardly ever achieved (Picasso / Leonardo exceptions.) and from history, painting is exceptional in that it is like wine, the longer you leave it the better it gets. Time for the painter is his friend.
Most of the time at art college we are left with a diatribe of quasi ideas that warrant no time at all unless you get turned on my mental masturbation, in which case you are a dick head and forth with please place you hand on you forehead and start pounding.
The art teachers have this want to extract all puerile feelings and experiences and by putting them on a pedestal they become art. Yes it is true anything you do and frame or put on a block of stone, transforms from shit into art, of you claim to be an artist.
But I know how to debunk this, because I took a shit and then put it on a pedestal and strangely to my horror it still smelt, however I did sell it for 2000 pounds to a fucking moron.
In fact art college can be like a torture zoo. A student can stand in front of all their class mates to speak about their art, the more eloquent they are about their fucked upness which is usually expressed in vaginarinsing a student i.e. crying. It is here at this point that from your emotional expression the teacher can gage on the measuring stick of pain that in fact you do speak the truth and what shit you pooed out of your mouth and manifested in your hand is indeed pure modern art.
In fact in order to get extra marks, telling your entire class you try to commit suicide or cut your wrist is a must. Then tell them not to worry because in your delirium on a Prozac cloud floating through Xananx landscapes, your ok, producing shit.
However my time at art college was cut short, not because I slashed anything important, but I encouraged people to film themselves committing suicide for my project. Unfortunately because I was not the one suffering, I was given a 0 %.
And here we enter a culture of pussy. The vaginarisation of men has occurred. The phallus defilement of men, the metaphorical eunuchs live amongst us bred by idiot teachers, who themselves are complete failures.
Art teaches persuade men to be gay because they are gay.
This teacher himself painted radiators and hung them in galleries. That is his acumen. And he bred, like a walrus with Eve a load of defunct, spotlight dwelling sycophantic socio-paths.
In fact I believe the mental asylum next door had a hard problem telling it’s punters and art college students apart. No doubt the Looney bin produced better artists than the art college because the people in there were really fucked up. Instead of buying a pigs heart and stabbing it with a fork to show pre pubescent relationships trouble, they would go an honest step further and kill the boyfriend using his heart.
It seems here the reality is the asylum and the metaphor was the artist. Surely points should be given to honesty rather than potential.
I am a Buddhist monk, and I have a koan for you
How does something that does not exist, exist.
My Pupil the answer is
by creating and believing in your own excrement.
At art college they train you to argue about your own shit. In the same way those evangelist come knocking at your door, telling you everything in the bible is gods word.
Example of circular argument.
Your going to hell if you don’t believe in the bible.
The bible is written by god
We know it’s written by god because he said it was
The word of god exist because it is written in the bible.
The bible exist
And so on
If you brainwash someone enough to believe in shit they will. If they live in shit enough they will stop smelling it. There is a very good experiment for this. Sit on the toilet and do a huge log. Wait 10 minutes until you cant smell it any more, then ask your mother to come into and she will go , phooor.
One must read extremely complicated art books. The bigger the words the clever you are. The more new words you can make up, the more the genius.
Until such time as only you and your friends can talk to each other in your own shit just like the Romans did sitting around in a public toilet all pooing and talking.
Beyond a certain point we the normal people not that we cant understand, we cant be bothered. Since when did you need an instruction guide to appreciate a painting, I’ll tell you, the same time we were given one for appreciating a sunset.
To understand why we appreciate a sunset stops us enjoying it, and art for most people is to be enjoyed, because otherwise what’s the point. We can enjoy a public statement of art we don’t want in out house by going to a gallery, or at home we can enjoy a load of flowers by Monet.
You have to be so far philosophically up your arse, that yoga masters would condone the teaching of modern art theory, so their student could obtain enlightenment having mastered the hardest position ever possible, the up your arse one.
To really blow a whole in all this is to say paintings like Rubens is conceptual art, because a concept exist in it. To be more clear, blow up a balloon. The skill and talent is the rubber. The concept giving it form is the air. All conceptual art today is, the bursting of a balloon, and idea without form, something completely useless. Another bubble, like the dot com, like the housing, and I am waiting for it to go bust.
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