Christianity says shamanism is devil's play. Christianity founded on shamanism...gnostic Christians need to understand the foundations of their religion is shamanistic, the mass is shamanic, the priest is a toned down shaman, stripped of vested power, he even wears shamanistic regalia. If their religion is built on shamanism then the religion is based on the devil. The religious spend too much time in a book and not enough time looking amongst which books it is shelved with. The content is less interesting than from where the content came from. The cults obfuscate the sheep's eyes, rubbing sandpaper on the glass lenses, until no detail can be seen except dim light, that is intern praised. Real Christians are very fast to criticise spiritual practices outside of their religion. Words like occult magic themselves up. What really upsets them, is there might be access to god outside of their ideology, a better more direct access…... and there is, shamanism c...
De facto is the residue of a memory from an obsolete experience of an unimportant person, that has manifested into consciousness, existing, as long as he touches the individual imagination. Outside morality, De Facto is an illusive oil, navigating around the social auras of current events, creating his own arena wistfully commentating on the experiences of the world, hoping that view seen, incites people to listen and remember so as De Facto's existence can remain.