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Showing posts from June, 2019

Christianity says shamanism is devil's play

Christianity says shamanism is devil's play. Christianity founded on shamanism...gnostic Christians need to understand the foundations of their religion is shamanistic, the mass is shamanic, the priest is a toned down shaman, stripped of vested power, he even wears  shamanistic regalia. If their religion is built on shamanism then the religion is based on the devil. The religious spend too much time in a book and not enough time looking amongst which books it is shelved with. The content is less interesting than from where the content came from. The cults obfuscate the sheep's eyes, rubbing sandpaper on the glass lenses, until no detail can be seen except dim light, that is intern praised. Real Christians are very fast to criticise spiritual practices outside of their religion. Words like occult magic themselves up.  What really upsets them, is there might be access to god outside of their ideology, a better more direct access…... and there is, shamanism c...

Catholic pope not real pope, long version

Power is something to be wary of. The catholic pope seems all powerful, seems head of the Christians. He stands for an establishment with a history of murder, rape, genocide a thousand years long. The people allow the church to do it because they think he is special. He isn't There are four popes currently preaching at the moment Tell are  The Pope of The Roman Catholic Church The Pope of the Palmerian Catholic Church (in Spain) The Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of All Africa (Non-Chalcedonian / Coptic Orthodox) The Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of All Africa (Chalcedonian / Greek Orthodox) ... who is formally the 'Ecumenical Patriarch'. The word 'Pope', while technically correct (see comment by Achilleas Mortsel’s ) isn't his primary title. The pope acts like a queen. Lizzy the lizard Elizabeth the second of the United Kingdom is one of   26 monarchies in the world, who rule or reign over 4...

Catholic pope not real pope, short version

Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is the bishop of Rome. Pope of Alexandria is the original pope In early Christianity there were five bishops or patriarchs in Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch, these people created the Christian community. The pope of Rome, AKA The Pope, before he was a pope, wrote to the bishop of Alexandria referring to him as, the pope. Due to disagreements, the Coptics in Alexandria separated from the Church of Rome in 451, their leader is referred to as the pope. Due to disagreement in 1054, The Greek Orthodox split from the Roman Catholic Church, their leader is referred to as the pope. The Roman Catholics say their popes comes from St Peter, the Coptic and Greek orthodox say their popes comes from St Mark. The Coptic Church was formed in 42 ADS by St Mark. The Catholic pope has the title, first among equals, agreed by the Greek Orthodox.  The Roman Catholic  interpretation of this titl...

Pope says Abortion is hiring a hitman, but past pope's killed millions

Pope Francis has compared abortion to 'hiring a hitman' during a Vatican-sponsored anti-abortion conference. HYPOCRITE, I say, how about all the witches you killed. What right does the pope have to preach, to speak, to even say. We accept he has a right, but what is it Who are you!!!!! Who is the pope? If there is a pope his claim to be pope isn't as strong as WE think. Do you guys know how many pope’s there are???? Pope Francis , the head of the Roman Catholic Church and sovereign of the State of the Vatican City Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria , Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria , His Divine Beatitude the Pope and Patriarch of the Great City of Alexandria, Libya, Pentapolis, Ethiopia, All Egypt and All Africa, Father of Fathers, Pastor of Pastors, Prelate of Prelates, the Thirteenth of the Apostles and Judge of the Ecumene Peter III , Pope of the Palmarian Catholic Church ...


GOD'S GRACE CAN NOT WORK IN A SIMULATION REALITY What is god's grace, do we need it, why do we need it???? In the New Testament grace means God’s love in action towards men who merited the opposite of love. Darling……... we live in a matrix, all actions we are responsible for. You get what you paid for. This idea only works if you think that we don't live in a matrix, and we only get one chance. Reincarnation is built on a matrix ideology. Christianity used to believe in reincarnation until it was taken out of the bible. Grace means God moving heaven and earth to save sinners who could not lift a finger to save themselves. God can't save us only we can save us, that's responsibility, part of our evolution. We live in a matrix we can come back here again and again and again until we save ourselves. A good father makes his child learn, reincarnation is a good father teaching, teaching needs to be turned into understanding, that only comes...

Almond blossom Van Gogh , the painting that sealed his death

Almond blossom Van Gogh T here is a tree called Tahina spectabilis that should be renamed Van Gogh, because at the end of its life, it flowers and then dies. The tree is a conceptual artist, The last thing it does, is use all its energy to grow a Christmas like tree out of its head in surrealist fashion , laden with nectar for birds and bees, so its genetics can be passed on, This last burst of energy uses up all the remaining energy of the tree casing its death after some months Van Gogh when his brother Theo had a son, new his time was up. The money that Theo was sending him would be used for his son, there was not enough money. This picture shows the heart of van Gogh, how he approaches death, he would flower spiritually. He painted this picture for his new nephew, a picture of hope and renewal. The nephew was named after Vincent, as if somehow Vincent's genes were going to be passed on, this nephew seeded Vincent's pictures in the pu...

Did Jesus REALLY ascend into a cloud!!!!!!!!! I do not think so

Clouds are prophet eaters or camouflaged spaceships. What a terrible ungracious way to go as he lifted up and all underneath saw his whatsit. Did they know he was God by his size, was Jesus trying to outdo the burning bush with the floating sausage, was he really that pro feminist......something for the women 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 Did Jesus prepare his flight putting on some underwear,??? Was playing a prank on us , the last thing Jesus wanted his closest people to see was his manhood, a wonderful memory, was he a flasher, or was it to make Mary Magdalene always remember what she was losing. Imagine the last thing you remember Jesus by is his hairy butt crack. Those middle eastern people are quite hairy, have you seen the beards on sheikhs, they look like a well trained beaver is posing around their mouths. In the cloud was there a portal, why did god block humans from seeing what was happening? Obviously there were secrets god had, that he didn't want...