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Teacher Student Relationship RE Guru, Shaman etc It is harmful for the student’s and teachers relationship if knowledge is not transferred to the student. A teacher deciding to seriously  take on a student, would want   ultimately to see the student worthiness   for serious study. Energy is guarded, wasteful energy from teaching as opposed to teaching from enjoyment I.e  seeing the student progress is not in the interests of the teacher.  It is now fashionable to have gurus, many guru searching people  are not that interested in real spirituality, they enjoy having a photo of the guru on the mantelpiece, perhaps to keep him warm and cosy over the fire.  In modern spiritual traditions the guru has been appointed demigod, such as in shamanism. Shamans are guides not gurus, it is the plant which is the teacher. When a shaman takes over the role as teacher he debases basses the plant. The shaman is not the spokesman for the plant. He can help you to...
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Epstein and his pedo friends

Jeffery Epstein It has been well documented that in many cases Pedophilia is symbiotic with power. The people that run the world are very powerful and pedophilia goes to the top. Children disappear, they end up in mental institutes from drug overdoses, on the streets from trauma. Once they are used, they are through out with the trash. Pedophilia  has a very strong connection to occult practices and satanism. Many polite people converge in small groups like masons and other, and account are public that in some of these cases child rape and sacrifice does take place.  Because the occult energy you get from a child rather than an adult feeds energetically negative entities associated with the occult. Eyes wide shut as Paul Watson said might actually be a documentary rather than a film.  Presidents prime ministers, celebrities have all been tarred with the same brush. Pedophile circles exists in the top echelons, Epstein might have bee...

Christianity says shamanism is devil's play

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Catholic pope not real pope, long version

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