Toilets from around the world. After much travelling I can safely say Asian toilets win the poo prize for most amount of bacteria, smell and vomit. Since I can remember as a child, my mother against my will forced me into female public toilets with her and my sister instead of letting me go into an all male toilet alone. I don’t know why I complained, now I recognise that privilege long since gone has totally been wasted on youth, a phrase older people sometimes bestow on me thinking they are a pillar of authority like some priest in a pulpit, who likes a congregation to believe he has some secret knowledge, he and he alone is privy to. Contrary to what they and I think my youth is wasted on, growing too old to frequent female toilets does not come on their list. It usually entails wasted opportunity to ask a girl out or to start a conversation with one. However judging by the looks of their wives I don’t think that our standards are the same. A women that looks li...
De facto is the residue of a memory from an obsolete experience of an unimportant person, that has manifested into consciousness, existing, as long as he touches the individual imagination. Outside morality, De Facto is an illusive oil, navigating around the social auras of current events, creating his own arena wistfully commentating on the experiences of the world, hoping that view seen, incites people to listen and remember so as De Facto's existence can remain.